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938 E. Swan Creek Road, Ste 730
Fort Washington, MD 20744
Phone : 240-252-3232
Fax : 240-252-3228
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Founder & President, Senior Financial Counselor
Andrea has always had a passion for financial services. Her very first position in financial services was working as a bank teller during her junior and senior year of college. She continued her career with an investment consulting firm shortly after graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park with a BS in Finance and International Business.
Do you have more month than you have money? Are you robbing Peter to pay Paul? ...Do you feel like you have a hole in your pocket? If you can answer yes to any of those questions you need help with money management! So call Wise Financial Counsel to schedule a consultation ASAP!
Money management is how you handle all of your finances from budgeting, saving ...and investing, to setting goals. It is important to learn how to manage your money so you can set yourself up for financial success. And Wise Financial Counsel is here to help!