We offer tailored strategies to provide you with the necessary
solutions to accomplish your financial planning goals.




Who We Are

Wise Financial Counsel is a fee-only, state registered financial services firm that specializes in helping families build a strong financial foundation to leave a legacy for future generations. We pride ourselves in providing customized services, tailored to each individual client’s financial situation, to help them achieve their financial goals.

We focus on specialization, customization and support. We understand that no two clients have the same financial situation or financial planning needs. Therefore, we take a customized approach to creating a tailored plan for each client.

We also offer ongoing support. We believe that preparing for financial success is a process. And we are here to guide you through every step of the way.

We are here to help you to build a foundation
to secure your financial future.

Wise Financial Counsel will put you on the road to financial freedom.


Budget Planning

We believe that the foundation of any financial plan begins with preparation and you have to be prepared to cover your basic and necessary expenses.


Financial Goal Strategies

Setting financial goals will give you a clear picture of where you would like to be financially. Once you set a specific goal whether it be the purchase of a new


Cash Flow Management

Tracking cashflow is essential to the financial planning process. We will help you properly account for inflows and outflows so that you can better allocate


Financial Education

Financial education is essential to your financial success. Our firm sponsors educational webinars and seminars on financial education and literacy. The


Debt and Credit Analysis

Bad debt and credit can be detrimental to the success of a financial plan. It is important to manage credit and debt so that they will not negatively impact your


Strategic Business Planning

If you are a new business owner or plan to start a new business, it is essential to have a strategic business plan. You need to write out your



Contact us today to schedule a call for a free consultation.
We welcome the opportunity to provide you with our customized financial services.

    Budget Planning

    We believe that the foundation of any financial plan begins with preparation and you have to be prepared to cover your basic and necessary expenses.


    Cash Flow Management

    Tracking cashflow is essential to the financial planning process. We will help you properly account for inflows and outflows so that you can better allocate


    Debt and Credit Analysis

    Bad debt and credit can be detrimental to the success of a financial plan. It is important to manage credit and debt so that they will not negatively impact your


    Financial Goal Strategies

    Setting financial goals will give you a clear picture of where you would like to be financially. Once you set a specific goal whether it be the purchase of a new


    Financial Education

    Financial education is essential to your financial success. Our firm sponsors educational webinars and seminars on financial education and literacy. The


    Strategic Business Planning

    If you are a new business owner or plan to start a new business, it is essential to have a strategic business plan. You need to write out your



    Contact us today to schedule a call for a free consultation.
    We welcome the opportunity to provide you with our customized financial services.

      We Guide You Through

      Financial planning is an ongoing process. To be successful you have to have a plan, implement the plan, and monitor the plan. All of this can be overwhelming if you do not have the proper tools and support. This is why we are here for you.

      At Wise Financial Counsel, we will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that you achieve your financial goals. We will support you throughout the process and provide you with the necessary tools to help you achieve your financial objectives.


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